Mechanical Engineering Services

Mechanical Engineering Services

An expert design engineering team finds creative solutions to technical challenges, allowing your product to meet marketing, regulatory and user’s requirements with reasonable manufacturing cost and quality expectations.

Mechanical Engineering Services

An expert design engineering team finds creative solutions to technical challenges, allowing your product to meet marketing, regulatory and user’s requirements with reasonable manufacturing cost and quality expectations.

Test and evaluate your mechanical designs.

Early testing of design concepts reduces risk by disclosing product-affecting obstacles such as temperature, stress, and moving parts.

After completing the 3D model of your design, we will examine the results with you. Depending on the complexity of your product, this may involve hundreds of components and numerous decisions that affect the product. By identifying these decisions in advance, however, we can take you swiftly into functional prototyping, physical testing, and mass production.

Evaluate and test your mechanical designs.

Early testing of design concepts reduces risk by disclosing product-affecting obstacles such as temperature, stress, and moving parts.

After completing the 3D model of your design, we will examine the results with you. Depending on the complexity of your product, this may involve hundreds of components and numerous decisions that affect the product. By identifying these decisions in advance, however, we can take you swiftly into functional prototyping, physical testing, and mass production.

Virtual simulations.

The primary reason for investing in CAD simulation analysis is risk assessment.

Smaller packaging, faster electronics, and Internet of Things (IoT)-connected products are all stretching the limits of design. Our engineering experts construct virtual FEA and CFD simulations early in the development process using specialized software. This includes both detailed simulations with complete geometry and analysis at the system level to help make better decisions.

Virtual simulations.

The primary reason for investing in CAD simulation analysis is risk assessment.

Smaller packaging, faster electronics, and Internet of Things (IoT)-connected products are all stretching the limits of design. Our engineering experts construct virtual FEA and CFD simulations early in the development process using specialized software. This includes both detailed simulations with complete geometry and analysis at the system level to help make better decisions.

Protecting sensitive components.

To endure mother nature, demanding users, and other catastrophes, a product’s structure must be strong and resilient.

The exterior structure is what shields the components, sections, and assemblies from external forces. However, the trade-off between price and durability can result in poor decisions. This is why early testing, material options, and the best manufacturing processes for a product’s components are essential.

Protecting sensitive components.

To endure mother nature, demanding users, and other catastrophes, a product’s structure must be strong and resilient.

The exterior structure is what shields the components, sections, and assemblies from external forces. However, the trade-off between price and durability can result in poor decisions. This is why early testing, material options, and the best manufacturing processes for a product’s components are essential.

Reverse engineering complex products.

To reduce product development risk and accelerate time to market, numerous engineering designs rely on extant solutions.

Using existing, non-proprietary solutions during product development is made possible by reverse engineering existing products and gathering a vast array of information pertinent to particular design challenges. This is especially essential for complex mechanisms and technical products.

Reverse engineering complex products.

To reduce product development risk and accelerate time to market, numerous engineering designs rely on extant solutions.

Using existing, non-proprietary solutions during product development is made possible by reverse engineering existing products and gathering a vast array of information pertinent to particular design challenges. This is especially essential for complex mechanisms and technical products.

Our engineering design services include:

Our engineering design services include:

step 1:
Build out custom design requirement briefs
step 2:
Custom part, material and manufacturing process selection
step 3:
Reverse engineering existing physical products
step 4:
Engineering simulation analysis (i.e., CDF, FEA, FMEA)
step 5:
Drop, shock and ingress protection
step 6:
Engineering risk assessments
step 7:
Manufacturing feasibility for parts and assemblies
step 8:
Engineering concept creation and tolerance specifications
step 1:
Build out custom design requirement briefs
step 2:
Custom part, material and manufacturing process selection
step 3:
Reverse engineering existing physical products
step 4:
Engineering simulation analysis (i.e., CDF, FEA, FMEA)
step 5:
Drop, shock and ingress protection
step 6:
Engineering risk assessments
step 7:
Manufacturing feasibility for parts and assemblies
step 8:
Engineering concept creation and tolerance specifications
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Our company and staff are certified with the Professional Engineers of Ontario and certified Solidwords professionals.
Our company and staff are certified with the Professional Engineers of Ontario and certified Solidwords professionals.